Opening Times

12th Feb | 10:00 – 17:00
13th Feb | 09:00 – 18:00

Marco Veri




Born in 1964, Master degree 1986 as Engineer in electromechanic orientation Automation and robotics. In 1986 my thesis was 'Development of software algorithm to control a robot by vision system to pick unknown object'. Today we are far away of this time.

When I started my job in May 1987 as project engineer in Socabelec, I was introduced immediately to a project including automation and robotics. I did an MBO in 1997 and Socabelec became my company. I decided to focus on the development of exporting equipment for automotive glass production. The major flat glass producers were our customers.

Our first experience in hollow glass started in 2011 where we have been recommended by Fanuc robotics to Ardagh glass to solve their swabbing problem.
In 18 months R&D, we developed the first swabbing-robot able to swab on the fly without any need to stop production.

This robot installed in Dec 2013 is still in use and production.

In 18 months we sold 12 robots for different customers and brands of IS machines.

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